WIS gave me an opportunity to perceive my surroundings in various aspects
Chansu was WIS student from 2006 to 2010 and recently continues his education at the Simon Fraser University in Vancouver / Canada (the university was ranked first among Canada’s comprehensive universities in 1993, 1996-1998, 2000, 2008-2013 and in 2015). Chansu’s subject of study is Computing Science.
He recalls the following as the best part of being a WIS student:
- making friends from different countries for the first time in his life,
- learning languages – not only English, but also Polish and French with teachers – native speakers of these tongues
- interactive communication with the teachers, Which is very different to my home country – he stresses
- Green and White Schools
- joining WIS Wolves, the WIS basketball team
- learning the essential parts of life – Friendship, Respecting others, Sportsmanship
- The cycle of International School – Meet new people, See people leave and eventually, it’s your turn to leave
Second, (…) I obtained the understanding of leadership by running for school presidency election. Although I have lost to my great rival Yeji Yang, it was a great lifetime experience for me. Additionally, I also developed my courage by delivering massive speech in front of many people, including students, teachers and our school principal (…). I put all of my efforts so I’ve got no regret for what I have gone through during that time.
Third, WIS allowed me to learn many languages. English, French and Polish! This gave me a chance to settle well for another International school life in China and my current state in Canada. Language once again proves that it can be a powerful component for enhancing one’s merit. I am just glad that I enjoyed my life being a WIS student.
Finally, for current and future WIS generations, I just want to mention one quote for you guys:
“Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.” – Steve Jobs (Stanford Commencement address 2005)
We will keep it in mind, Chansu! Thank you!